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Volume 38, Issue 2
Volume 38, Issue 2

All the Big Men Are Weeping

Tonight all the big men are weeping,
they are rubbing their eyes like toddlers
worn out from charming their parents’ friends.

Bashful in their glory, the men, bawling,
cover their heads like brides, collapse
to the ground, mariners restored to earth.

In exultation the sobbing men lift up
their languid children, shields
their great hands would never let fall.

Spying the year’s first clover, a rabbit
stretches its body taut, as if prepared for the spit.
In the same quivering instant, irony

too is suspended, and the big men, crying,
embrace, declare their love for each other.
Made beneficent by their victory,

we grant them this one night.

About Carolyn Oliver

Carolyn Oliver is the author of The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books, forthcoming 2024), Inside the Storm I Want to Touch the Tremble (University of Utah Press, 2022; selected for the Agha Shahid Ali Prize), and three chapbooks. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Image, Prelude, Beloit Poetry Journal, Southern Indiana Review, Consequence, and elsewhere. She lives in Massachusetts, where she is a 2023-2024 Artist in Residence at Mount Auburn Cemetery. (Online:

Zone 3 Press, the literary magazine of Austin Peay State University
Volume 38, Issue 2
Volume 38, Issue 2

All the Big Men Are Weeping

Tonight all the big men are weeping,
they are rubbing their eyes like toddlers
worn out from charming their parents’ friends.

Bashful in their glory, the men, bawling,
cover their heads like brides, collapse
to the ground, mariners restored to earth.

In exultation the sobbing men lift up
their languid children, shields
their great hands would never let fall.

Spying the year’s first clover, a rabbit
stretches its body taut, as if prepared for the spit.
In the same quivering instant, irony

too is suspended, and the big men, crying,
embrace, declare their love for each other.
Made beneficent by their victory,

we grant them this one night.

Volume 38, Issue 2
Volume 38, Issue 2

All the Big Men Are Weeping

Tonight all the big men are weeping,
they are rubbing their eyes like toddlers
worn out from charming their parents’ friends.

Bashful in their glory, the men, bawling,
cover their heads like brides, collapse
to the ground, mariners restored to earth.

In exultation the sobbing men lift up
their languid children, shields
their great hands would never let fall.

Spying the year’s first clover, a rabbit
stretches its body taut, as if prepared for the spit.
In the same quivering instant, irony

too is suspended, and the big men, crying,
embrace, declare their love for each other.
Made beneficent by their victory,

we grant them this one night.

About Carolyn Oliver

Carolyn Oliver is the author of The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books, forthcoming 2024), Inside the Storm I Want to Touch the Tremble (University of Utah Press, 2022; selected for the Agha Shahid Ali Prize), and three chapbooks. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Image, Prelude, Beloit Poetry Journal, Southern Indiana Review, Consequence, and elsewhere. She lives in Massachusetts, where she is a 2023-2024 Artist in Residence at Mount Auburn Cemetery. (Online: