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Zone 3 Literary Journal Spring 2013, Volume 28, Issue 1
Volume 28, Issue 1
Spring 2013

Lament For The Tree Shearer

He falls loose, a leaf,
to bed. But not as light. 

His arms keep coming
home, yes, but heavier

than they left, some other
flesh by sap and dirt,

a kind of night
never leaving his wrists.

Sometimes he wraps it
tight about his head.

Sometimes a band of sky
slips down my hip. 

The whole room
swells with him.

But the woods. Each morning
he goes back to them

and brings them
their own scent

About Jill Osier

Zone 3 Literary Journal Spring 2013, Volume 28, Issue 1
Zone 3 Press, the literary magazine of Austin Peay State University
Volume 28, Issue 1
Spring 2013

Lament For The Tree Shearer

He falls loose, a leaf,
to bed. But not as light. 

His arms keep coming
home, yes, but heavier

than they left, some other
flesh by sap and dirt,

a kind of night
never leaving his wrists.

Sometimes he wraps it
tight about his head.

Sometimes a band of sky
slips down my hip. 

The whole room
swells with him.

But the woods. Each morning
he goes back to them

and brings them
their own scent

Volume 28, Issue 1
Spring 2013

Lament For The Tree Shearer

He falls loose, a leaf,
to bed. But not as light. 

His arms keep coming
home, yes, but heavier

than they left, some other
flesh by sap and dirt,

a kind of night
never leaving his wrists.

Sometimes he wraps it
tight about his head.

Sometimes a band of sky
slips down my hip. 

The whole room
swells with him.

But the woods. Each morning
he goes back to them

and brings them
their own scent

About Jill Osier