Zone 3 Awards
Zone 3 Literary Journal sponsors awards for one work of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from each issue.

Zone 3 Literary Journal Awards
Zone 3 Literary Journal is now accepting submissions for its annual poetry, fiction, and nonfiction awards. All poems, essays, and stories accepted for publication in the journal will be considered. Our reading period is August 1-April 1. The winners will be announced on our website.
Award: $250 + publication.
Zone 3 editors will choose the winners.
All are welcome to submit. We look forward to reading your work!
2020 Zone 3 Award Winners
Heather Turbeville, for her story “Operation” (Fall 2020)
Darius Atefat-Peckham, for his poem “Monet’s Garden” (Spring 2020)
Kathryn Nuernberger, for her essay “Marie Laveau” (Fall 2020)
2019 Zone 3 Award Winners
Sarah Fawn Montgomery, for her essay “In Praise of the Plain” (Spring 2019)
Matthew Fiander, for his story “Five Variations on Parnell’s Blues” (Fall 2019)
Jasmine Dreame Wagner, for her poem “Sandy” (Fall 2019)
2018 Zone 3 Award Winners
Carrie Shipers, for her essay “Mea Culpa, My Monster” (Fall 2018)
Randal O’Wain, for his story “Hallelujah Station” (Fall 2018)
Ethan Chua, for his poem “Immigrant Prayer” (Spring 2018)
2017 Zone 3 Award Winners
Dan Beachy-Quick, for his essay, “Even” (Spring 2017)
A.D. Lauren, for her poem “Hermeneutics of a 21-year-old’s Death” (Fall 2017)
Yuly Restrepo, for her story “Morocho” (Spring 2017)
2016 Zone 3 Award Winners
David Huddle, for his essay “Verbal Binary Presence in Early Childhood Development, that Infamously Difficult Poetic Form the Villanelle, and the Spiritual Quotidian” (Fall 2016)
James Braziel, for his story “Shiner”(Spring 2016)
Erinn Batykefer, for her poem “Two Bees” (Spring 2016)
2015 Zone 3 Award Winners
Craig Reinbold, for his essay “On Some Lines of Chekhov” (Fall 2015)
Brad Felver, for his story “Out of the Bronx” (Fall 2015)
Brandi George, for her poem “Lily and Gog” (Spring 2015)
Honorable Mentions
Troy Taylor, for his poem “The Jellyfish Room” (Spring 2015)
Felicia Zamora, for her poem “Work” (Fall 2015)
Zone 3 Awards
Zone 3 Literary Journal sponsors awards for one work of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from each issue.

Zone 3 Literary Journal Awards
Zone 3 Literary Journal is now accepting submissions for its annual poetry, fiction, and nonfiction awards. All poems, essays, and stories accepted for publication in the journal will be considered. Our reading period is August 1-April 1. The winners will be announced on our website.
Award: $250 + publication.
Zone 3 editors will choose the winners.
All are welcome to submit. We look forward to reading your work!
2020 Zone 3 Award Winners
Heather Turbeville, for her story “Operation” (Fall 2020)
Darius Atefat-Peckham, for his poem “Monet’s Garden” (Spring 2020)
Kathryn Nuernberger, for her essay “Marie Laveau” (Fall 2020)
2019 Zone 3 Award Winners
Sarah Fawn Montgomery, for her essay “In Praise of the Plain” (Spring 2019)
Matthew Fiander, for his story “Five Variations on Parnell’s Blues” (Fall 2019)
Jasmine Dreame Wagner, for her poem “Sandy” (Fall 2019)
2018 Zone 3 Award Winners
Carrie Shipers, for her essay “Mea Culpa, My Monster” (Fall 2018)
Randal O’Wain, for his story “Hallelujah Station” (Fall 2018)
Ethan Chua, for his poem “Immigrant Prayer” (Spring 2018)
2017 Zone 3 Award Winners
Dan Beachy-Quick, for his essay, “Even” (Spring 2017)
A.D. Lauren, for her poem “Hermeneutics of a 21-year-old’s Death” (Fall 2017)
Yuly Restrepo, for her story “Morocho” (Spring 2017)
2016 Zone 3 Award Winners
David Huddle, for his essay “Verbal Binary Presence in Early Childhood Development, that Infamously Difficult Poetic Form the Villanelle, and the Spiritual Quotidian” (Fall 2016)
James Braziel, for his story “Shiner”(Spring 2016)
Erinn Batykefer, for her poem “Two Bees” (Spring 2016)
2015 Zone 3 Award Winners
Craig Reinbold, for his essay “On Some Lines of Chekhov” (Fall 2015)
Brad Felver, for his story “Out of the Bronx” (Fall 2015)
Brandi George, for her poem “Lily and Gog” (Spring 2015)
Honorable Mentions
Troy Taylor, for his poem “The Jellyfish Room” (Spring 2015)
Felicia Zamora, for her poem “Work” (Fall 2015)