Volume 30, Issue 2
editorial staff
POETRY Mark Belair • April Michelle Bratten • Deborah Brown • Christopher Citro • Kevin Clark • Taylor Collier • Weston Cutter • Jesica Carson Davis • Zoë Mays • Jennifer Met • Alicia Mountain • Dustin Nightingale • Justin Runge • Michael Sandler • Ephraim Scott Sommers • Guy Thorvaldsen • Barbara Tramonte • Jesse Wallis • Felicia Zamora FICTION Steven Coughlin • Brad Felver • Aaron Hamburger • Janna Layton NONFICTION Jennifer Case • Janet Dale • Heather Beecher Hawk • Craig Reinbold INTERVIEWS Sheep Jones BOOK REVIEWS Robert Campbell • Amanda Winfree • Shannon K. Winston ART Sheep Jones
Brad Felver
We hunted the rats because we were so poor.
Years later, and I can still see them bolting out from that dumpster at the end of the alley, dozens of rats, squealing and scurrying. They’re on fire. Roman and I are watching from the fire escape four stories up, these burning rats darting all over the place and yelping. “Burn harder, you rat-fucks!” Roman screams. He has this deranged look in his eyes, like a boxer who just got knocked out and is coming-to. It’s dark out, so it’s almost pretty, all these burning rats scampering in every direction, like a meteor shower in the alley, and I almost say so but I decide not to. Instead, we just watch, open-mouthed, two young kids in awe of this cosmic power we’ve just unleashed.
The rats came from this pub on the garden level, which our landlord owned. We called him Old Irish because he had this thick brogue which sounded like a different language. Dad said that his skin was so pale it smelled like potatoes. That was Dad’s one joke, which he told whenever Old Irish knocked on the door and said he had to raise the rent again. His pub served a Guinness and black pudding breakfast, that’s it, and Old Irish made it all on site every morning, and so every afternoon, right before he closed up the kitchen, he tossed out a trash bag full of leftovers into the alley, a mixture of congealed blood, torn casings, and suet drippings, which is like Oreo cheesecake for rats. Old Irish didn’t live in the building, so it wasn’t his rat problem.
READ MORE>I was born and grew up in Waterville, Maine. I studied art at the University of Southern Maine. I work in oil and wax.
My paintings begin with layers. From my past work in watercolor and wax I’ve held on to the opportunities that mixing transparent colors offers. Layers add extra interest, leaving swatches of colors in their wake. These are perfect tidbits for the imagination.
I always am looking for the puzzle pieces to suggest a narrative. Disparate images finally come together and start to hint at some kind of sense. The thing is, all people have stories. Often, they will look at one of my paintings and recognize in it their own story, their own past, their own dreams.
I have exhibited my work in several solo and group shows and galleries in the US and Europe. In 2003, I was chosen as Artist of the Year at the Torpedo Factory.
I now live in Belfast Maine.
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Zone 3 Press sponsors two book competitions: The Zone 3 Press First Book Award in Poetry and The Zone 3 Press Creative Nonfiction Book Award. Winners receive $1,000 and publication of their book, as well as an invitation to give a joint reading at Austin Peay State University with the contest judge.
Zone 3 Press publications are made available from the Zone 3 Store and your favorite booksellers.
POETRY Mark Belair • April Michelle Bratten • Deborah Brown • Christopher Citro • Kevin Clark • Taylor Collier • Weston Cutter • Jesica Carson Davis • Zoë Mays • Jennifer Met • Alicia Mountain • Dustin Nightingale • Justin Runge • Michael Sandler • Ephraim Scott Sommers • Guy Thorvaldsen • Barbara Tramonte • Jesse Wallis • Felicia Zamora FICTION Steven Coughlin • Brad Felver • Aaron Hamburger • Janna Layton NONFICTION Jennifer Case • Janet Dale • Heather Beecher Hawk • Craig Reinbold INTERVIEWS Sheep Jones BOOK REVIEWS Robert Campbell • Amanda Winfree • Shannon K. Winston ART Sheep Jones
Brad Felver
We hunted the rats because we were so poor.
Years later, and I can still see them bolting out from that dumpster at the end of the alley, dozens of rats, squealing and scurrying. They’re on fire. Roman and I are watching from the fire escape four stories up, these burning rats darting all over the place and yelping.
READ MORE>I was born and grew up in Waterville, Maine. I studied art at the University of Southern Maine. I work in oil and wax.
My paintings begin with layers. From my past work in watercolor and wax I’ve held on to the opportunities that mixing transparent colors offers. Layers add extra interest, leaving swatches of colors in their wake. These are perfect tidbits for the imagination.
I always am looking for the puzzle pieces to suggest a narrative. Disparate images finally come together and start to hint at some kind of sense. The thing is, all people have stories. Often, they will look at one of my paintings and recognize in it their own story, their own past, their own dreams.
I have exhibited my work in several solo and group shows and galleries in the US and Europe. In 2003, I was chosen as Artist of the Year at the Torpedo Factory.
I now live in Belfast Maine.