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Alumni Reading with Joanna Grisham and Sugar Le Fae

Thursday, February 22

Join us as Austin Peay alumni, Joanna Grisham and Sugar Le Fae, read from their most recently published work on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM in room 120 of the Art + Design building!

There will be a Q&A session, a book signing, and a giveaway after the reading. This event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served.

This event is sponsored by the Center for Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA) and the APSU Languages and Literature Department.

news & events


Zone 3 Press sponsored two book competitions: The Zone 3 Press First Book Award in Poetry and The Zone 3 Press Creative Nonfiction Book Award. Winners received $1,000 and publication of their book, as well as an invitation to give a joint reading at Austin Peay State University with the contest judge. These contests are currently on hiatus.

Zone 3 Press publications are made available from the Zone 3 Store and your favorite booksellers.


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Zone 3 Press sponsors two book competitions: The Zone 3 Press First Book Award in Poetry and The Zone 3 Press Creative Nonfiction Book Award. Winners receive $1,000 and publication of their book, as well as an invitation to give a joint reading at Austin Peay State University with the contest judge.

Zone 3 Press publications are made available from the Zone 3 Store and your favorite booksellers.