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Zone 3 Literary Journal Spring 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
Volume 38, Issue 1
Spring 2023


girls shift in circles on the grass
like stars of mountain laurel,

white umbrellas – white skirts
and pollen swallowed up by

bombshells in the sky –
fireworks melting into field,

bees stoking bitter honey
at the coast of the Black Sea.

little bridesmaids – wind chimes
in their fists, slivers of wood

hanging from strings. hollow spoons –
their limbs like narrow leaves. one

flower a gentle, freckled salve. another,
her sister, waving off the fading

traveler – his burning lips, his newly-
failing heart – his accidental hemorrhage.

About Marina Kraiskaya

Marina Kraiskaya is a Ukrainian-American writer and editor of the journal Bicoastal Review. Find her in Poetry International, Southeast Review, Mississippi Review, The Shore, EcoTheo, Deep Wild, and more.

Zone 3 Literary Journal Spring 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
Zone 3 Press, the literary magazine of Austin Peay State University
Volume 38, Issue 1
Spring 2023


girls shift in circles on the grass
like stars of mountain laurel,

white umbrellas – white skirts
and pollen swallowed up by

bombshells in the sky –
fireworks melting into field,

bees stoking bitter honey
at the coast of the Black Sea.

little bridesmaids – wind chimes
in their fists, slivers of wood

hanging from strings. hollow spoons –
their limbs like narrow leaves. one

flower a gentle, freckled salve. another,
her sister, waving off the fading

traveler – his burning lips, his newly-
failing heart – his accidental hemorrhage.

Volume 38, Issue 1
Spring 2023


girls shift in circles on the grass
like stars of mountain laurel,

white umbrellas – white skirts
and pollen swallowed up by

bombshells in the sky –
fireworks melting into field,

bees stoking bitter honey
at the coast of the Black Sea.

little bridesmaids – wind chimes
in their fists, slivers of wood

hanging from strings. hollow spoons –
their limbs like narrow leaves. one

flower a gentle, freckled salve. another,
her sister, waving off the fading

traveler – his burning lips, his newly-
failing heart – his accidental hemorrhage.

About Marina Kraiskaya

Marina Kraiskaya is a Ukrainian-American writer and editor of the journal Bicoastal Review. Find her in Poetry International, Southeast Review, Mississippi Review, The Shore, EcoTheo, Deep Wild, and more.